Monday, March 17, 2014

School Library Journal and College and Research Libraries

School Library Journal is intended for school media specialists and teachers. It might also be relevant for children’s librarians since they so often go to daycares and preschools for story times.  It offers tips on how to buy books and use them effectively in classrooms. It also gives reviews of the books for teachers to evaluate whether or not they actually need to be in the system. They also offer events for teachers. Besides books it also focuses on multimedia in the classroom.
It is not peer reviewed. However, we do get several different ideas and opinions on books for kids. Especially with books, it is important because we all have different tastes and preferences for books. Also, what works in one school or classroom may not work in another, so it’s important to have multiple ideas.
I think it is great that school libraries have their own journal. The school library is sometimes the first brush with a library a child has, so it’s important that they stay as relevant as public libraries. Also, school librarians almost have it harder than public librarians, because they are seen as teachers in a way.

I also chose College & Research Libraries, this is a peer reviewed journal. This is a compilation of several different academic articles on the library profession in an academic setting. It is geared more towards professors and graduate students than public librarians. I do not know if it is something I would ever just pick up and read, but I am glad it exists, because I know how important academic research is.
After looking at both of these journals, you realize how a library can impact you from birth to older age. It shows how we don’t’ serve just one segment of society, but are ready to serve anyone and everyone who comes into a library.  I feel like School Library Journal focuses on librarians out on the front lines practicing librarianship, while the College and Research Libraries focuses on the keepers of the profession that focus mainly on the theory of our profession.
College & Research Libraries. (n.d.). Retrieved from
School Library Journal | The world's largest reviewer of books, multimedia, and technology for children and teens. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mid Semester Reflections

I cannot believe we are at the halfway point in my first semester of grad school! As I have stated before, my whole life has been geared towards this profession. Libraries are all I know, and this semester has definitely solidified my choice in careers. The more I learn about the ethics and philosophies of the library and being a librarian, the surer I am. At times, it does feel overwhelming, but when I have worked through everything, I feel so accomplished and I really relish that feeling of being successful.  I have a better grasp on the foundation and I like knowing how what I have been practicing at my work for years, is supported on the foundational believes of this profession. 

After visiting the libraries and talking to a friend of mine, I feel like outreach may be something that I want to consider. I know that I want it to be a large part of my future job. Also, I got to attend PLA this past week with my work, it was definitely an eye opener. I love all the encouragement and camaraderie of the profession and its commitment to serving those who may not have access to resources on their own.   

I can see now how the library plays a critical role in all aspects our patrons’ lives. That even if we do not provide a specific service, we have the tools to put them into contact with someone who can help. That’s a very powerful thing, but not necessarily in a negative way.
Ultimately, I look forward to what the future holds, not only for myself, but for the profession as a whole. I look forward, as well, to continuing my studies at Wayne State!